My Boss’s Pet (A Femdom Role-Reversal Humiliation Erotic Story)

One mistake was all it took to turn the beautiful Brittany Russell from Patrick’s best boss to his worst nightmare.

Reader Advisory: This story is for mature audiences only. It features intensely erotic situations, a dominant woman and submissive man, humiliation, role reversal, femdom dominance and sexual manipulation, and degrading backdoor sex. All characters are 18 or older.

When Patrick’s boss takes a reprimand a little too far, she realizes she likes seeing him obedient and afraid. She likes her new power over him. Maybe he would object if he weren’t hopelessly attracted to her. She doesn’t waste time testing boundaries, and seeing just how far she can push her newest plaything …

Notice: This title includes themes and passages that have been adapted from Jessica Whitethread’s Code of Conduct series with full consent of the original author.


She spanked me again and turned me over to pin me back against the desk. Her exquisite, full chest was heaving. “This is my office,” she told me, her face only a few inches from mine. “Tell me whose department this is.”

I’d never felt myself so incapable of disobeying. I’d never felt so utterly dominated. “Your department, ma’am.”

“Say it again.”

“This is your department, ma’am.”

“It’s not yours?”

“No, ma’am. I know it’s not mine. It’s yours.”

“And what are you?”

“I’m yours, too.”

It took me a second to realize what I’d said. I didn’t know what answer she’d been expecting, but it hadn’t been that. My terrified little slip of the tongue seemed to hang in the air between us for a moment.

“That’s right,” she breathed, straightening slightly. She seemed to like the sound of that. “That’s exactly what you are.” There was a new emotion in her face. She liked this. She liked having me like this, half-naked and bent back over her desk in front of her. And she was starting to realize she liked it, too. “Tell me again.”

“I’m yours, ma’am,” I repeated obediently, a little trickle of feeling returning to my stomach. I had found something to say that didn’t just appease her for the moment. I had found something she liked.

“You’re not going to make me remind you again, are you?”

“I’ll remember, ma’am. Yours. Everything. All of me.”

Her breathing slowed more, almost to calm. It was like she was waking from a dream to find a half-naked guy beneath her. Only, she wasn’t really waking up. That animal side, the side that had terrified me only a moment ago, was still very much there. I was trembling slightly, but there was something about this that a secret little part of me kind of liked, too.

“Whose break room were you disgracing just now?”


“And whose lips were you using to kiss that hussy with?”

“Yours, ma’am. Your lips.”

She put her hand to my stomach and slid it down, over the full bulge in my underwear. Her eyes glinted as she felt how hard I was. “Whose cock is this, then?” she asked.

“Yours, ma’am. Your cock.”

She pressed her hand into my groin, holding it with an unapologetic grasp.

“And ass?”

“Your ass, ma’am.”

“I don’t like seeing that little bitch of an R&D rep anywhere near my ass,” she growled.

“I understand, ma’am. I’m sorry.”

Find it now on Amazon. Coming soon to Barnes and Noble, Google, and Smashwords.

No Match for Her (A Femdom Role-Reversal Humiliation Erotic Story)

Jake’s never had trouble winning hearts or getting ahead, and when he finds out the only obstacle to his next job offer is some woman from outside the firm, he couldn’t be less worried. But it won’t take him long to discover the beautiful newcomer knows exactly how to play a brash prettyboy like him …

Reader Advisory: This story is for mature audiences only. It features intensely erotic situations, a dominant woman and submissive man, humiliation, role reversal, femdom dominance and sexual manipulation, and degrading backdoor sex. All characters are 18 or older.

Soon she’s got him right where she wants him. When it’s over, she won’t just have his dignity, she’ll decide to take everything else, too …

Notice: This title includes themes and passages that have been adapted from Jessica Whitethread’s Code of Conduct series with full consent of the original author.


“You played me,” I accused her as soon as we were alone.
She didn’t stop to argue. I followed her into our office.
“That wasn’t very nice.” I insisted. “Was it all just to get in my head?”
She turned. “Of course not. You’re stupid hot. As in stupid and hot. Why wouldn’t I be into that?”
“I’m not stupid,” I defended myself.
She shrugged. “Naive, then?” She turned and suddenly her hand was back on my groin. Suddenly I was hard. Suddenly I was having trouble breathing again. “Easily distracted, maybe?”
I tried to push her hand away. “That trick only works once.”
“What’s the trick?” she asked innocently. “Maybe I just think you’ve got a nice cock. I think it might be your best feature. Well, I’m willing to withhold judgement until I’ve gotten to see a full picture.”
“Yeah, right.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re such a drama queen. Don’t act like it doesn’t turn you on the way I played you. You love that I can make you melt in my hand anytime I want.” She considered her choice of words, still stroking my rock hard cock through my pants, and gave an impish little smile. “Well, whatever the opposite of melt is.”
The sounds of coworkers passing in the hallway kept me from responding for a moment. It was five o’clock and the building was emptying out.
“I do not,” I objected. But I hadn’t brought myself to push her hand away again and I sounded unconvincing even to myself.
She bit her lip and brought her mouth close to my ear. “I think you love being mine, in my hand where I can control you.”
My cock throbbed in her hand and she laughed delightedly at the confirmation.

Find it now on Amazon. Coming soon to Barnes and Noble, Google, and Smashwords.

Under Her Thumb (A Femdom Role-Reversal Humiliation Erotic Story)

She punctuated her words with a little squeeze that made me jump, and I caught a cruel little laugh in her voice at my skittishness. “Shy, though,” she observed. “Not even a man enough to show your true colors.”

Reader Advisory: This story is for mature audiences only. It features intensely erotic situations, a dominant woman and submissive man, humiliation, role reversal, femdom dominance and discipline, spanking punishment, and degrading backdoor sex. All characters are 18 or older.

It’s not Emily Clarrette’s fault all the men who work for her wind up obsessed with her. She knows she’s beautiful. All she can do is punish them until they learn to behave …

Notice: This title includes themes and passages that have been adapted from Jessica Whitethread’s Code of Conduct series with full consent of the original author.


“I wouldn’t be much of a boss if I didn’t put you in your place when you needed it, would I?”

She spanked me again.

“No, ma’am,” I groaned. “Five, ma’am.”

Her fingers curled around my belt, inadvertently catching the fabric of my underwear as well and brushing against my trembling skin. She continued to talk sternly to me as she administered the punishment that left me both sore and helplessly turned on.

After twenty, she released her grip and told me to stand up. I rose, my eyes downcast, beyond humiliated and painfully turned on at the same time. I tried to hide my erection but I knew I was failing.

“Look at you,” she said. “This is what you make me do. I hope I see an improvement from all of this,” she told me. “Don’t think I won’t bring you in here and do this all again if I have to.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Now thank me and go print me out a copy of that report I can actually use.”

I flushed. “Thank you, ma’am.” And I hurried from the room, desperate to be alone where I could try to come to terms with what she had just done to me.

I printed out the report – much more carefully this time – and retreated to the bathroom, where I stood at the sink and engulfed my face in cold water until my heart rate started to return to a moderate pace. I slipped into a stall of the empty bathroom and it took only a few desperate strokes to bring me to the most powerful orgasm I’d ever had. It felt as though I had been holding it back my entire life, and every sensation and urge poured through my paralyzed body until I was gasping and weak … but not so weak that I couldn’t bring myself there again two more times once I got home that evening.

Find it now on Amazon. Coming soon to Barnes and Noble, Google, and Smashwords.

Putting Him in His Place (A Femdom Role-Reversal Humiliation Erotic Story)

“Well,” Ms. Cabray murmured. “I see your little girlfriend at least got you nice and turned on before I interrupted the proceedings. Things must have been very exciting, if you’re still so hard. Or … maybe you just really like being put in your place …”

Reader Advisory: This story is for mature audiences only. It features intensely erotic situations, multiple dominant woman and a submissive man, humiliation, role reversal, femdom dominance and discipline, spanking punishment, and degrading backdoor sex. All characters are 18 or older.

It’s nine on a Friday night, and Ryan’s the only one left in the office. The girl he’s just started seeing wants to stop by. He knows it’s a bad idea to fool around with her in the break room, but he doesn’t want to miss his chance with her. Who’s going to find out?

Unfortunately for the horny twenty-three year old, it’s his beautiful and domineering boss who walks in …

It won’t take long before his crush has switched sides, and Ryan’s at the mercy of two women who are going to show him just how wrong he was to try to pull one over on them.

Notice: This title includes themes and passages that have been adapted from the works of Jessica Whitethread with full consent of the original author.


The sharp, intense pain came again as her hand struck his ass. With each blow he felt his stiff cock bouncing against his stomach, still naked and on embarrassing display.

“Thank you, ma’am,” Ryan gasped.

This was beyond humiliating. He closed his eyes, burying his face in his outstretched arms. He couldn’t bear to look at Amy. Why did this all have to be happening in front of her?

But Ms. Cabray apparently wasn’t satisfied with how things were going. Her hand came down again and the sharp sound was like a gunshot. Ryan groaned in pain and blinked water from his eyes.

“Thank you, ma’am,” he managed to whimper after a moment.

“Yes, that was much better,” she said.

Ryan stiffened as he felt Ms. Cabray rest a hand on his ass. The woman felt his the firmness of his stinging cheeks and traced the curve down to his thigh, exploring and evaluating her misbehaving young employee. Ryan was intensely aware of his nakedness, with his reddened ass and stiff cock stuck out in the expansive break room that suddenly seemed to have no corners.

“Well,” Ms. Cabray murmured. “I see your little girlfriend at least got you nice and turned on before I interrupted the proceedings. Things must have been quite exciting, if you’re still so hard.”

Ryan whimpered slightly in mortification and his hidden face burned red. He couldn’t bear to respond.

“Or maybe you just really like being put in your place. Maybe you really like being told you’re a bad boy. Is that it, Ryan?”

Ryan tried to lie. He mouthed the words, but no sound came out.

“I said, is that true, Ryan? Do you like being spanked for being such a bad boy?”

Softly, almost painfully, he groaned his answer. “Yes, ma’am.”

Ms. Cabray’s hand went away. “And what’s your name?” Ryan heard her ask.


“Well, Amy. I don’t seem to be getting through to him, so I’m going to have you take a crack at it. Step over here.”

“What, but I-”

“Do you want me to fire him?”

“No, of course not but-”

“Well, if he doesn’t recognize how unacceptable his behavior has been, I’ll have no choice but to fire him. You’re his only hope. Stand here.”

Ryan whimpered softly into his arms as he listened, helpless and humiliated. Every time he thought his boss couldn’t go any farther or come up with anything worse, Ms. Cabray did so easily.

“Sorry, Ryan,” she heard Amy whisper to him.

“Don’t apologize to him. Apologize to me!”

“Ah, sorry, ma’am.”

“Now spank that tight little ass.”

Amy’s hand rested on Ryan’s naked hip, holding him steady, and then her hand came down in a forceful pat.

“Did I tell you to feel his ass up or to hit it? Hard!”

Amy tried again, a little harder. It still wasn’t enough, and Ms. Cabray barked at her to be rougher and rougher until Amy was spanking Ryan every bit as hard as Ms. Cabray had done. It took Ryan’s breath away, it stung so badly

And after every spank Ryan had to say, “Thank you, Amy.” Feeling the name come from his lips brought it all home again. Every time, he couldn’t escape it.

“Thank you, Amy.”

Find it now on Amazon. Coming soon to Barnes and Noble, Google, and Smashwords.