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ARC Events Currently Accepting Reviews

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Advanced Review Team

Thank you for your interest in my advanced review process! Who doesn’t love free books?

Advanced Reviewer Copies (ARCs) are copies of a soon-to-be-released book that readers can download for free in exchange for a review after the book goes on sale.

Free access to my books rewards people who connect with me via the mailing list, gets readers in on the ground floor of new releases, helps to spread the word, and ensures I'm getting feedback from the people whose opinions I care about most: you, my readers.

The process couldn't be simpler. When a new book is ready to be released, I send out invitations via the mailing list, giving anyone interested an opportunity to join the review team. Those who opt in download a free copy of the book in the week before it goes on sale. Reviewers read it, hopefully enjoy it, and come back after the release to leave a review.

I'll make sure to get you links to the book's product page and keep you informed about all relevant dates, so being part of the process is as painless and rewarding as possible. My only goal here is to get as many people enjoying my books as possible.

Here's everything you need to know:

  • Subscribe to my mailing list
  • Get contacted with a link to an upcoming ARC release
  • Opt in by downloading a free copy of the new book
  • Curl up somewhere comfy with your new reading material
  • After the book is released, leave a review on Amazon or another store of your preference
  • Send me a link to your review to make sure you get credit for it

The system is entirely automatic, so you'll never have to wait for me to get back to you: you can download, read, and review entirely at your own pace. It's also built fully in-house, so no information about you winds up in anyone else's hands. I don't use third-party services and I take the privacy of my readers very, very seriously.

Sometimes authors put pressure on their subscribers to participate in ARCs, but I'm not about that. If you're just on my mailing list or have done an ARC with me before, you're under absolutely no obligation to do so again, and I'm happy to just keep you in the loop if sometime down the road another ARC opportunity catches your eye.


The sooner after the release date that you can leave your review the better, but we've all got busy lives. I set a cut-off date which will usually be one week after the official release. If something comes up and you won't make that deadline, just let me know at the same page where I'm collecting review links or shoot me an email to give me a heads up. We're all friends here.

If you opted in and I haven't heard back from you at all by the cut-off date, my publisher won't let me send you free books in the future. I wish I didn't have to do that, but they honestly don't love the idea of me giving away free books in the first place, so this is the compromise we worked out.

The FTC requires that you let people know you were given a free copy to review, so somewhere in your review, include the line: “I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.” Beyond that, I don't have any requirements. I think you're great, so don't sweat it.

Once you've left your review, you just need to submit a link to that review to me to confirm you've reviewed the book. A link to where you can do that will be in any emails you get from me about the release, and I'll stop emailing you as soon as I've got your review confirmation.

If you've got any other questions, email me at